Poetry expert to speak in S.F.

Professor teaches HarvardX online course

Professor Elisa New, who teaches “Poetry in America,” a new HarvardX online course, will speak at the Harvard Club of San Francisco April 17.

Professor New uses the HarvardX platform to delve into the history of poetry in this country and to show parallels between its history and that of our alma mater. She will provide a behind-the-scenes look into the making of her online course and share her excitement about HarvardX as a way to connect with students and alumni around the globe.

The event will run from 6 to 8 p.m. at The University Club, 800 Powell Street, in San Francisco. The price for non-members if $25. Click here to register.

Alumni may get a glimpse of Professor New’s course as part of the recently launched HarvardX for Alumni. The “Poetry in America” segment examines the American Civil War through Walt Whitman’s poetry.  Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust, a historian of the Civil War and the American South, is a guest on this free, online presentation.  Log in to join the conversation