Why you should help the world's poor
"A Path Appears" is the subject of book club's next meeting
“A Path Appears,” by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, will be discussed at the Dec. 10 meeting of the book club. This choice is intended to reflect the optimism of the winter solstice season, when many cultures and religions celebrate the birth of light from darkness.
The book shows, through many amazing vignettes matched with serious evidence, that you can make a difference to the lives of people trapped in misery, says a New York Times review. More important, the authors try to explain why you should bother. Kristof and WuDunn, a husband-and-wife team, provide a sweeping tapestry of people who are making the world a better place and show ways that we can do the same—whether with a donation of $5 or $5 million, with our time, by capitalizing on our skills as individuals, or by using the resources of our businesses.
Kristof is a Harvard graduate, former Crimson staffer and now a New York Times reporter. WuDunn was a business editor at The Times.
The meeting, which includes a potluck dinner, starts at 6:30 p.m. at the Elk Grove home of Bill and Nancy Myers. RSVP to Bill by email at wemyers@cal.net. He will send out directions to his home to those who plan to attend.
Photo: Some rights reserved by Emily Carlin