Understanding capitalism

Book club will consider key economic works

Next up for the book club will be “Understanding the Economic Basics and Modern Capitalism: Market Mechanisms and Administered Alternatives” by Harvard Club of Sacramento member Dan Blatt. His book examines history's most important economic works.

Special attention will be focused on the chapter of Dan’s book covering Joseph Schumpeter, author of "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy." Dan is also interested in any comments, criticisms and suggestions you might have with respect to his introductions to the seven books covered, including each of the three volumes of “Das Kapital.”

Dan will serve as host for the July 8 meeting at the Wonderful Chinese Restaurant, 7042 Sylvan Road, Citrus Heights. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Dan via email. His address is blatt2@futurecasts.com.

Photo: Some rights reserved by Emily Carlin