Harvard Professor to Speak in Sacramento - March 18th, 5:00pm

Professor Caroline Light will speak on the recent spike in do-it-yourself (DIY) security citizenship, from stand-your-ground laws and open-carry licenses, to the resurgence of predominantly white, male, armed militias.

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Dr. Licaroline-lightght’s upcoming book on the topic, Stand Your Ground: America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defense, reveals how past appeals to the sanctity of "a [white] man's castle" continue to haunt contemporary notions of security and threat and exposes how the nation's obsession with lethal self-defense rests on centuries of violence against the most vulnerable.

Caroline Light has served as WGS Director of Studies since 2008. Prior to her arrival at Harvard, she worked at Duke University, where she taught courses in Gender and Sexuality Studies, First Year Writing, and in the Global Americas Focus Program. She also coordinated Duke's Institute for Critical U.S. Studies.

Light has a doctorate in history, with particular focus on gender, race, and sexuality in the U.S. South. Her teaching and research interests include transnational feminist histories; immigration; U.S. consumer culture; and intersections of citizenship, race, and sexuality in the United States.

Light authored Stand Your Ground: a Feminist History of Self-Defense and several academic articles. Research projects include a study of the negative implications of "compassionate consumption" and a critical genealogy of contemporary "Stand Your Ground" laws. Read more about Professor Light's scholarship on LinkedIn.