Virtual Speaker Series - Q&A Session with Dr. Kosowsky
Tuesday, May 19th @4pm
Join the Harvard Club of Sacramento in a Zoom speaker series event on May 19th at 4pm. The topic of discussion is "Perspective of Covid 19 as an ER physician." Dr. Kosowsky will speak to his experiences as an ER physician in the age of COVID-19.
We will be conducting a live virtual Q&A session with Dr. Kosowsky. He will address many of the ambiguities and risks regarding the spread and management of this Corona Virus. Prior to the session, please direct your questions for the doctor to Sadia at, so that we may frame the upcoming discussion in a productive and meaningful way.
RSVP for this event today!
The Zoom link and call-in information for this meeting will be sent a couple of days prior to the event to those who have registered.
Biography: Dr. Joshua M. Kosowksy